When you register for an event in Shambhala you give your consent for Shambhala to process your personal data. Here are the details:
Shambhala takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to support your participation in Shambhala. We only keep basic personal data about you which you provide or that records your participation. We need you to opt in explicitly: when you first contact Shambhala we require that you give us permission to record your information.
We need to know this basic personal data in order to register you for events and support your participation in Shambhala. An account in our database is used to record your participation in our curriculum or other programs, to record your level of study, meditation practice or participation — and control your access to restricted content. We do not collect any personal data from you apart from what is needed to provide and oversee your participation in Shambhala.
For the purposes of IT hosting and maintenance this information is located on servers within the European Union. Your personal data is stored in the Shambhala Database where international and local Shambhala Database Administrators from your main Shambhala center (or the closest center or any other centers you affiliate with) process and have access to it. We have a data protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data. We send you a confirmation email to which you must respond whenever you subscribe to one of our newsletters. We will send you email at least once a year that allows you to verify your personal information, allows you to update any email subscriptions, and lets you delete your account.
Your information will be kept until you notify us that you no longer wish us to keep it. If you are not reachable by email, you will be deleted after 6 months. One of our Database Administrators may require that you confirm by opting in again if you are inactive for more than 5 years. Inactivity means that you have not registered for a program or participated as a member during that period. If you are inactive and do not confirm your wish to remain, you will be deleted from our database. What we would also like to do with it We recommend that you subscribe to one or more of our newsletters to receive information about future events. This information is not shared with third parties for any purpose and you can unsubscribe at any time.
If at any point you believe the information we have about you is incorrect you can change it by editing your Shambhala Account here: https://members.shambhala.ws
If you wish to delete your account or raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us at [email protected]